Saturday, December 5, 2009
Death Ride 2010 Registration
Posted by
4:21 PM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
!!!Court Win for Cyclists!!!
Well, it looks like there is some justice in the world when it comes to motorists and cyclists. No justice for Ed Weiss, no justice for Kristy Gough and Matt Peterson, and so on. It's been sitting like a malaise on the cycling community, but the LA case will hopefully set a precedent that cyclists are not just obstacles to be run over by drivers crossing the center line (frequently double yellow), falling asleep behind the wheel,texting/talking on their cell phone, drunk, or just plain upset at cyclists and the world in general.,0,761131.story
Posted by
10:08 AM
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mines Rd Ride Sat Oct 31st
I'll be riding Mines Rd to the Junction Cafe and back tomorrow, Oct 31st. Distance is about 56 miles
Meet 9:30 at the roadside pullouts just past the entrance to Joan's Farm. (See: (Joan requests that we don't use the pullouts before the entrance, since it leads folks to park in the wrong place and cut across her field.) This sounds complicated, but the road is desolate, and you'll see our cars easily (one is a large green Honda Element).
The ride starts and ends at a pumpkin patch, so anyone lagging in holiday decor can get their carve on afterwards.
See you there. Jenn: 510-861-6654
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
9:20 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We're on Facebook!
Become our "fan" on Facebook!
Visit us here!
Let's get ridin' folks.
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
9:41 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Saturday Peninsula Ride - 9/19
Looking for partners for a Saturday ride on the peninsula. Starting from Stanford or Evergreen/Canada. Am thinking woodside-pescadero-tunitas but am open to other options.
email if interested.
Posted by
9:01 PM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
ALERT!! Bike Thief Targets Peet's...
ALERT!!! There have been reported bike thefts at Danville Peet’s and the Peet’s on Domingo Ave. in Berkeley (across from the Clairmont hotel). These are common stops/meeting points for East Bay rides, so please take caution. This is what is known so far:
- The guy knows what he’s looking for…and he’s targeting high end bikes
- Sometimes he’s wearing cycling clothes, sometimes not
- He grabs the bikes and rides them away
- The thefts are happening on Saturdays/Sundays (when lots of cyclists are around…and lots of high end bikes)
- It’s apparently the same guy hitting both Peet’s locations (and maybe more, who knows?)
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
10:03 PM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Potential New PBP 2011 Quota/Selection System
Just got this from SFRANDON and thought I might share it with those of you who're thinking of doing PBP in 2011. Note that these guidelines/rules are subject to further definition and change, but in general it does seem that what and how much US randonneurs ride in !2010! will have a direct effect on quotas and rider priority in 2011. Thus riding more sanctioned ACP brevets (rather than doubles) would increase a rider's chance of getting in. Of course all of this is mute if demand does not exceed the quota in 2011, but who knows how tight/generous the cut-off will be.
The ACP has revised their formula for calculating PBP 2011 entry
quotas somewhat. Based on comments from us and other countries, the
policy is meant to be more equitable to countries that host ACP
brevets every year.
While the actual formula has not yet been published, here is our
understanding. Each country will have a basic quota based on that
country's number of entrants and finishers in PBP 2007. Each country
will then have an additional allocation based on the number kilometers
homologated for it in 2010. (So a rider's 1000k finish would count for
five times as much as a 200k finish.) It is meant to take into
account a country's growth since PBP'07.
This reinforces our earlier advice to RBAs to schedule at least one
ACP brevet series in 2010, and to schedule all your brevets that fit
the ACP distances as ACP-sanctioned. Having folks ride more ACP
brevets in 2010 helps our quota. Remember that your last chance to
submit ACP-sanctioned events for 2010 is by September 30.
For riders, the ACP indicates that if someone rides more and longer
ACP brevets in 2010, that rider will have a registration priority over
other riders in that country who ride fewer, shorter ACP brevets.
(That means, an American rider can move him/herself up within the
American quota by riding more and longer brevets.)
RBAs should not feel the need to schedule more events than they can
comfortably handle. Riders should not feel the need to ride more
events than they can comfortably accommodate in order to have a chance
of going to PBP in 2011. The ratio of our quota to rider demand has
yet to be seen. And of course the ACP may refine or revise these
provisions as time goes on.
Posted by
9:29 AM
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ride, Massage, Wine...
It's that time of year again! BORP's (Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program) biggest fundraiser, the Revolution, is about to happen. Get your bikes ready for this amazing ride and party this fall in the beautiful Sonoma countryside. The date of the event is September 26th. Touchstone Climbing is again proud to sponsor the Touchstone community of riders this year. We will give $100 for the first 20 riders who register for the Revolution. All you have to do is go to
For those who have not participated in the event or want to learn more about The Revolution and BORP please visit It's a great organization doing great things for people with physical disabilities. If you have any questions regarding registration please notify Mike Webber at or at 510-849-4663.
Please contact Markham Connolly if you have any further questions (
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
8:56 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Death Ride 2009
Posted by
10:17 AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
XS touchstone gear
I have some cute XS gear that is hardly worn that I would like to give away:
jacket, vest and jersey.
Posted by
12:19 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009
2009 Revolution Kick-Off Ride & BBQ! July 18, 2009 (Berkeley)
You are invited to our 2009 Revolution Kick-Off Party! We will be hosting the party at our Adaptive Cycling Center on July 18th.
The day starts at 10AM with your choice of two road rides (a faster drop ride and a shorter, no-drop ride). At the completion of the rides, we will celebrate the start of this year's Revolution season - starting around 1 PM.
We'll have a BBQ and drinks along with a great raffle. And if this wasn't already enough you'll also have a chance to meet BORP athletes, learn more about BORP, and register for this year's Revolution Ride (September 26th).
Don't miss a great day of fun! Please RSVP to
On another note, we're hard at work on the 2009 Revolution Ride, Festival & Auction. We are in the process of designing this year's jerseys (for those of you who raise at least $750), and we are looking for a quote. We put a quote inside the collar of the jersey and if you have a quote you think would be good for this year's jersey, please email it to us. Best quote goes on the jersey!
See you soon!
The BORP Revolution Team
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
10:33 AM
Friday, June 19, 2009
Mountain Hardwear Sale / Saturday Ride
Just thought I'd share that mountain Hardwear is having one of their factory sales this weekend at the Richmond headquarters.
See for info & directions.
I'm planning on being in line when they open Saturday and then heading somewhere for a ride as soon as I can get through their checkout line, perhaps hopping across the bridge to park in kentfield and ride towards Pt. Reyes. Anyone got anything planned?
Posted by
12:33 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Marin ride Sat
Hey all. At least two of us are planning to ride in Marin on Saturday: a Coleman Valley loop! The route starts at the wee non-town of Two Rock (8 miles west of Petaluma but not as far as Tomales). From there, it's a 50-mile loop.
To get to the start, take 101 N to Petaluma, and go west on Bodega Ave (Tomales-Petaluma Rd). Bear RT onto Valley Ford when the road forks (just before the Coast Guard Training Ctr). Two Rock is about a mile up Valley Ford Rd.
I need to be back at the car by 2:30ish, so meet at 9:30, roll 9:45.
Any Q's - call me at 510-861-6654, or email jenoisie >at< gmail.
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
11:37 AM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sat 5/9 Mines Rd. ride
At least six of us will be riding Mines Rd this Saturday. Most going to the Junction Cafe and back, one or two may do Hamilton as well.
Meet: 9:30, roll 9:45.
Start: meet 1.4 miles up Mines Rd. after you turn off Tesla, near the sign for the pumpkin patch ("Joan's Farm"). Park on the dirt pullouts on the side of Mines Rd. A sub-group may start earlier from the Peet's in Livermore, but we'll all convene at Joan's.
Mines Rd start is a 56-mile out-and-back. Livermore Peets is 68 (adds 6 flat but sometimes windy miles each way). Route is a mix of flat with one long climb at the start, plus a couple smaller ones before the Junction Cafe. Remote and beautiful.
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
11:50 AM
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sat 4/11 East Bay ride
There'll be a ride leaving from Domingo Peets at 9am on Saturday. Distance ~50. Route TBD - maybe Diablo junction, otherwise a local loop. Come one, come all! Jenn (510-861-6654)
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
12:28 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
Sat 3/28 Marin ride
Hey all.
So at least five of us (including Jess and Gary) will be meeting in Nicasio for a Marin ride. Exact route TBD, but most likely a 45-55 mile loop over the Marshall Wall, then either going north to Tomales, or looping back south through Pt. Reyes Station. Lunch afterward at the great Rancho NIcasio bar/grill for those who want it.
Meet 9:15 for a 9:30 start.
Questions, call Jenn: 510-861-6654
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
12:09 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Well wishes for a speedy recovery to Chris and Nathan!
Last weekend, two Touchstone racers (Men Cat 5) went down meters from the finish line at the Land Park Criterium in Sacramento last Saturday (3/21/09). Chris is recovering from a fractured clavicle and scapula; Nathan emerged in better condition with some stiffness and road crash but no broken bones.
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
10:55 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sat 3/28 ride!
Weather looks great this weekend. I'd love to do about 50 miles, either east bay or Marin (Bo-Fax loop, Tomales, or Coleman Valley...?). If folks have an interest, post/email back and we'll pick a route. Jenn (
Posted by
Jenn Kahn
10:34 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Diablo?? Saturday East Bay Ride - 3/20/09
Small group of us leaving from Peet's on Domingo (near Claremont Hotel) at 9:30am and heading towards Mt. Diablo. Ride up to the saddle and back down to Walnut Creek Bart station. Saddle time is roughly 4 hours (about 55 miles).
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
5:44 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Saturday Afternoon Mt. Diablo - 3/14
Sleep late, eat donuts, then come burn off donuts on a leisurely afternoon ride around Morgan Territory and up the Diablo saddle. Departure time is 12:00 noon from the Safeway parking lot at Ygnacio Valley road and Oak Grove road in Walnut Creek.
Total miles will be around 55, unless you want to go to the top where they have more donuts.
Note: if you have not ridden these roads do not be fooled by my use of the term leisurely, as I am merely referring to the uphill nature of our pace.
Call 408-836-7613 if you're in the vicinity and can not locate me. I'm not familiar with this starting location and am just going on info I found on google maps. I'll be parked in the lot closest to the sidewalk on Ygnacio Valley in a silver VW Van.
-Gary B
Posted by
6:53 PM
Saturday East Bay Ride - 3/14/09
A couple of us will be doing a 2.5-hour ride leaving Peet's on Domingo (across the Claremont Hotel) at 9:30am. We're unsure of the route but we do know we're at least going up Tunnel Road! Come ride for all or part of our route.
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
11:48 AM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
This weekend Ride anyone???
I see on the Touchstone bike schedule that there is a Stinson/Marin ride. Is anyone going? How about level 3's ? I'm looking for a few level 3's that wanna do that ride on Sunday morning, if so email me We'll organize something
Posted by
8:50 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday Feb. 16 - Stage 2 of Tour of California
Barring rain showers, I will be riding part of Stage 2 of Tour of California (Sausalito to Santa Cruz) before the pros take the course. The ride starts from Mike's Bikes in Sausalito to the top of Tunitas Creek (48 miles). For more information -
Leave a comment if you're also interested in waking up early on a holiday for a bike ride.
Posted by
3:31 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Winter Strength Training -- Tuesday Nights, Left Coast Cyclery
Join Pat Ross, Touchstone's Cat 2 Women's Elite Racer and Spin Instructor!
Winter Strength Training Into High Intensity
Rotating fans and music provided along with this wicked workout!! Class size is limited to 30 peeps.
WHEN: Tuesday nights, starting January 13th through mid-March
Meet @ 6:30 PM
Ready to ride @ 6:45 - 8:15
COST: $10
WHERE: Left Coast Cyclery
2928 Domingo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94705
Your bike
Indoor Trainer/Rollers
Heart Rate Monitor (optional)
2 Water bottles
Fuel to munch on
Contact Info: Pat Ross (
Or Left Coast's Renee Gaumond at 510 204 8550
Posted by
Touchstone Bike Club
1:52 PM
1/18/09 - Club Ride (East Bay)
Come join a mellow ride, 2.5 hours, in the East Bay. Leaving Peet's (Claremont) at 9:30am. Route will most likely be Redwood Pinehurst Loop, although open to other suggestions so long as we stay within the time frame. (Of course, you can always ride longer or shorter.) See you there! Jess
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
12:05 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy New Year, Happy Cyclists!
We don’t know about you, but our resolution is to get back on the bike, whether it be road, mountain or cyclocross – or all of it. Lance is doing it, so why not us? All rides and cycling-related events will be posted on the Touchstone Bike Club Calendar on the toolbar for quick and easy reference.
With the whole year ahead of us, there are many things to consider.
Ride a 100 miles or two. Here’s a smattering of centuries to train for:
1. Wine Country Century – 5/2/09
2. Grizzly Peak Century – 5/3/09
3. Davis Double – 5/16/09
4. Terribly Two – 6/20/09
5. Death Ride: Tour of the California Alps – 7/11/09
6. Marin Century – 8/1/09
Cheer on our team (or even join the team?):
The Touchstone Road Racing Team is primed for the 2009 season. Stay tuned for race results from racers in the following categories: Pro Women Elite, Men’s Masters Cat 3, Cat 4, and Cat 5, and Women’s Cat 3. If you’re interested in joining the team, please contact Markham at
Club rides not limited to road…
Many Touchstoners have been spotted on the vast number of singletrack routes around the Bay Area. Let us know when you’ll be riding next and need some company.
And, if you need inspiration, see the pros ride our roads!
Amgen Tour of California – Feb. 14-22
Stage 2, from Sausalito to Santa Cruz, takes the peloton over the Golden Gate Bridge! (And I don’t think the route will take them around the towers either…!)
If you have any suggestions for the Touchstone Bike Club or would like access to post rides, please send an email to Thanks!
Posted by
Jessica de Jesus
10:14 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Did everyone stop riding?
It's been a while since anyone posted a ride, now that the holidays are over maybe we'll all get back into it.
Is anyone interested in riding tomorrow?
I'm open to anything under 50 miles and not too hilly.
You can contact me directly or post on here
Hope to see you all out on the road soon
Posted by
8:15 AM